to Battlefield Equestrian Society
Welcome to BES
The Battlefield Equestrian Society (BES) is a 501(c)(3) organization whose purpose is the promotion and enhancement of equestrian activities at the Manassas National Battlefield Park (MNBP). Membership is open to all interested individuals (non-riders as well as riders). Activities include recreation and fund-raising events, education through programs and speakers of interest to horse people, and service-oriented functions including maintaining and improving the bridle trails in the Park.
Upcoming Events
Trail Work Days, Saturday and Friday, September 20-21: Maintenance Center 8 AM to Noon. To volunteer call George Jurich (540-347-0912).
Oct (Rain Date)
RESCHEDULED: BES Fall Crystal Crown Judged Pleasure Ride, Sunday October 6. Registration Word Doc, Registration PDF, Waiver
Trail Work Days, Friday and Saturday, October 18-19: Maintenance Center 8 AM to Noon. To volunteer call George Jurich (540-347-0912).
Board Members
President: Dewey Brown, email: gohrsecrzy@aol.com, phone number: 540-272-6368.
Vice President: Janet Pastrick, email: janet_pastrick@hotmail.com, phone number: 703-273-0526.
Secretary: Gail Kelsey, email: gailannkelsey@gmail.com.
Treasurer: Kim Ellis, phone number: 703-309-2238.
Membership: Liz Thomas, erthomas1952@gmail.com.
Mary Ann Beverley
Stephanie Chao
Diane Park
Lex Trumble
Trail Master:
George Jurich, email: nola.jurich@comcast.net, phone number: 540-347-0912.
Janet Pastrick, email: janet_pastrick@hotmail.com.